- CONSISTENCY CHECK FAILURE ERROR : Probably due to a corrupt mediafile. [1]
- Seen in Console while getting spinning beach ball while soloing audio tracks in source timeline.
LegendHWbufferMgr::DumpBuffersInUse(): Dump disabled since it may take forever. Rebuild the code if needed.
HagridBufferWrprMgr::DumpInUseBufferWrappers(): Dump disabled since it may take forever. Rebuild the code if needed.
- Exception: APlayer::NotifyStopStatusCallbacks ... Avid Error [2]
While roller trimming audio
- Exception caught in aplayer::Play - Exception: std::exception, what: "Segmentation fault" in thread "PHTBody", at address
Delayed write failure for file '.DS_Store'. Errcode 0x3c.
- Solution: Quit AvidNEXISClientManager to unmount all drives and launch AvidNEXISClientManager to re-mount all drives.