Google Tips

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Google Drive

  • Warning - deleting a file from a shared folder has unpredictable consequences.
    • "An item was automatically placed in" message appears in the Info / Activity pane
    • "they made a change recently in which, when someone else deletes your file, the file is put back "automatically" into your root folder in My Drive" [1]
      • "I'm just deleting thousands of empty folder and files in the root folder manually!!!"[2]
      • "can we automate this and to redirect all files "automatically placed on My Drive" will be put on a dump folder so My Drive will not be messy."[3]
      • "please make it at least an opt-out option to prevent this duplication of files for people who are knowingly changing ownership over files." [4]
    • "This question is locked and replying has been disabled." [5]
