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Chuck's List of MacOS Pros and Cons

From Chuckipedia

When using 2017 5K iMac my list of Cons has been accumulating going from Mojave to Catalina to Big Sur and I have no assurances that going farther to Monterey and Ventura won't continue this accumulation of issues.

MacOS Pros Cons
Mojave 1014 QuickTime Pro 7 runs

many 32bit apps run also

Google Chrome warning that it won't work with OS anymore

warnings from other Google and Microsoft apps

Catalina 10.15 Google Chrome and other Google and Microsoft apps work QuickTime Pro 7 does not work because support for 32bits apps is gone
Big Sur 11 Individual brightness controls in menubar for multiple Apple displays Spinning icon and freeze frame on YouTube videos and freeze frame on QuickTime X playback after Avid Media Composer has launched.

Microphones do not accept input after Avid Media Composer 2022.12.2 has launched. Quitting and restarting Avid fixes these YouTube and microphone issues.

VS Studio Code extension "sandcastle" does not work.[1]

Preview app randomly displays a blank sidebar which can only be closed by opening and closing the thumbnail sidebar.

Notifications linger in the top right corner with only a tiny "x" to mouse around over to dismiss them.[2]

Time Machine backup drive can't be used for other files or backups and must now be a dedicated AFPS volume that only Time Machine can access.

I had Compressor 4.4.4 on my iMac which was too old for Big Sur and the app store had version 4.7 which was too new for Big Sur

Monterey 12 ? ?
Ventura 13 ? ?
Sonoma 14 Not compatible with 2017 iMac

link to this page: https://chuckipedia.ca/index.php/Chuck%27s_List_of_MacOS_Pros_and_Cons