EDL to SubCap Converter

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The EDL to SubCap Converter is a tool created by Evan Schiff which "takes an EDL as input (paste it in), and converts it to Avid DS Subtitle format, which is one of the two formats you can supply to Avid's SubCap effect."

In order for the EDL comments not to default to uppercase, edit the EDL template file (found in the Avid's "EDL_Manager_Templates" folder) so that the toupper_conversion value is FALSE instead of TRUE.

	toupper_conversion		FALSE			* Convert all comments and titles.

The MacOS path in pre-version-8 Avid to the folder is /Applications/Avid EDL Manager/SupportingFiles/EDL_Manager_Templates/

The MacOS path post-version-8 Avid is /Applications/Avid Media Composer/SupportingFiles/EDL_Manager_Templates