Red Wedding Historical Precedents with Body Counts

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Name and Details of Event Fictional or Real Year of Occurrence Body Count
Red Wedding – In Westeros, the Stark family and their bannermen were invited to the Twins by Lord Walder Frey for the wedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey. The Freys and Boltons betrayed their guests and slaughtered them in an ambush. Fictional 2013 (depicted in show Game of Thrones, published in print in 2000) ~100-200
Black Dinner – In Scotland, the young Earl of Douglas and his brother were invited to Edinburgh Castle by King James II. After being served dinner, they were executed on accusations of treason. Real 1440 2
Glencoe Massacre – In Scotland, Clan MacDonald of Glencoe hosted government forces who, after accepting their hospitality for several days, killed 38 clan members under orders for failing to promptly pledge allegiance to King William III. Real 1692 38 (with ~40 more deaths due to exposure)
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre – In France, Catholic forces, under the orders of King Charles IX and Catherine de' Medici, massacred thousands of Huguenot Protestants gathered in Paris for the wedding of Henry of Navarre and Margaret of Valois. The violence spread across France. Real 1572 5,000 to 30,000