ReleaseTheJJCut hashtag

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#ReleaseTheJJCut is a hashtag reportedly trending on January 4, 2020 [1] [2] in response to a post in a Star Wars subreddit that made claims regarding a 3-hour J.J. Abrams cut of "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" which was altered by Disney with re-cuts and re-shoots.

Matt Smith cast in key role yet missing from movie

Another Star Wars subreddit post claims that Matt Smith, who in 2018 was reported by Variety [3] to be cast in a "key role" only to not show up in the final cut, was to play antagonist Son of Mortis.

In an interview published February 2019, when co-star Richard E. Grant was asked if he and Smith share any scenes together in Episode 9 he said "I would be fired if I told you anything about that.” [4]

Dominic Monaghan witness to filming of large amount of unreleased material

In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, actor Dominic Monaghan says “I wasn’t there all the time, but even in the short time that I was there, there was so much stuff filmed that didn’t make it to the theatrical version.... Oh, man, there was so much stuff!” [5]

JJ Abrams says “I’d say that they’re right”

When asked "how he felt about reactions from people saying they don’t like what happens or wish it was something different. J.J. Abrams responds to critics quickly with, “I’d say that they’re right.”" [6]. This strange answer gains context in a situation where his cut was taken from him.

John Williams "Vader's Castle" music cue

A cue name entitled "1m15 Vader's Castle" suggests there was a scene at a location not seen in the theatrical cut. [7]

Mustafar scene in novelization

A scene not in the theatrical cut of Hux observing Ren's rampage on Mustafar leading to his dialogue with the Eye of Webbish Bog [8] and acquisition of the wayfinder appears in the novelization. [9]
